Sunday, February 28, 2016

Safe Spaces- Gerri August

Gerri August

Gerri August has strong feelings about those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. He strongly feels that they should be accepted b everyone no matter where they are. He talks about how schools should be the safe place for  students of LGBT but the classrooms do not have much exposure to it and this makes students not feel safe. August says “Even teachers who describe themselves as social justice advocates fail to challenge homophobic or transphobic language and images in many early childhood settings” (p. 86). With this being said we set the image of an “ideal” family in young children’s minds, we neglect to show the importance of transgender or homosexual parents. 

Ellen DeGeneres
In this article Ellen talks about how it was a scary thing to say the words “I’m gay” on her show. She talks about the emotions she has and makes the connection to how it is difficult for anyone to say those words. This article fits into what August says because Ellen then says that the public opinion about being gay makes people feel ashamed. August raises the issue of those who are LGBT are not accepted and this is a perfect example of how society does not accept it. 

This article is about the statistics of LGBT students. All the stats in this article really shocked me, they showed the physical and verbal abuse students got, missing class, how they do not feel safe in school all because of their sexual orientation. This article relates to August’s issue of students not feeling safe in the classroom and how they are not accepted by their surrounding peers. It is upsetting to me to see such high percentages because it shows that nothing is changing for LGBT students and some are going to extremes such as suicide to escape the pain. 

Points to share:

I was able to connect August’s reading to Grinner’s SCWAAMP. I was able to us the straightness aspect here. This is because in America we only value those who are straight. Those who are LGBT are not accepted in our society, although the issue is not as bad as it once was it is still there. I believe this will always be an issue because not everyone will be accepting of those with a different sexual orientation. I think August’s article is a must read and after reading it I feel some research on LGBT issues should be done to see the reality of how we treat those who are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us

Linda Christensen

Reading Christensen’s piece was an eye opener to me. Before reading I know cartoons and movies had stereotypes and hidden messages, but I was unaware of how much each cartoon or movie portrayed it. Young children look at these films or cartoons and see a women needing a man to save her, or the only way to be liked it to have the “perfect” body image. Reading this article showed how much of a negative impact media has on people of young ages. When they see what is going on they think they have to be that way and go about making themselves that way to fit in. 

In this article I made the connection to Grinner’s SCWAAMP. I mostly connected it to straightness and whiteness. Straightness comes from every relationship in fairy tales being heterosexual. Not one is a homosexual relationship. This demonstrates that everyone has a happy ending when they are attracted to the opposite sex (which we know isn’t true). The connection to whiteness is every character with a major role is white and not of color. Other races were mixed into the princess role but it wasn’t until 2009 when the “Princess and the Frog” came out and changed the “white princess” aspect when they introduced a princess of color. 

Girls who watch the Disney princess films always see the princess in trouble and looking for a prince’s help or how they need to change to get their prince's attention. They show that a man must be the one who is strong and to be the hero at the end of the. When a young girl sees this message they get the idea that the only way they can be saved is by a man. This message was changed slightly in 2013 when the film “Frozen” came out. Yes, it showed a man trying to be the hero and save the day, but in the end it is the sister love that saves everything. 

Points to share:

I believe media has a major role in all our lives when it comes to we should fit into society and how we should act as both male and females. Disney has positive and negative impacts on children’s lives. It positively shows motivation and determination, but negatively shows body image and heroism is just being males. Knowing what I know now about the “secret education” that Christensen talks about changes my out look on children films and cartoons. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Richard Rodriguez: "Aria"

While reading Rodriguez’s story I instantly thought of Johnson and his “just saying the words”. The issue being ignored is a language barrier, in America we believe that everyone should speak English and neglect to think that people come from different backgrounds and cultures with their own language. I thought Rodriguez did a great job telling his story, it made it a much easier read for me. This article also reminded me of Delpit and the “culture of power”. He had to give up his primary language and lose a connection with his Spanish speaking family to be accepted into society. 

Rodriguez and his family are part of a minority, the story reflected on how someone in a minority is at a disadvantage in the society due to not being “one with the society”. What I do not understand is why do schools stress learning another language for those who speak English. If they are telling those who do not speak English that they have to learn it and make it their primary language, then English speaking people are wasting their time learning another language. 

As a future educator I feel we should not push students away from speaking their native language. When Rodriguez said “The family’s quiet was partly due to the fact that as we children learned more and more English” (37) made me realize that we are corrupting other backgrounds and cultures to make everyone fit our “norms”. We as future educators should diminish this issue and do what Johnson says “say the words”. 

Points to share: 

Just like Carlene said, we should incorporate other cultures into the classroom so all students know they are important and where they come from is as well. We need to find a way to allow students who do not speak English be able to fit into society but not lose that family connection they have at home with their native language.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack 
By: Peggy McIntosh

1. "I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group"

Peggy McIntosh starts by saying this, she is implying that every one is taught racism at some point and its meaning. She brings up “white privilege” and how there is power that exist for white males, they have an advantage over everyone. Many whites are unaware that they discriminate those of a different race they grew up around isolation of those who are not “the same”, therefore they do not see themselves and racist. 

2. “We usually think of privilege as being a favored state, whether earned or conferred by birth or luck.”

Privilege is something we favor no matter how we received it. Living in the United States and being white we are privileged with jobs, homes, water, and so much more. We earned this privilege by being born into it. Without our family history we may have never been blessed to have this privilege. Privilege can be used in countless ways and some neglect to think that they are privileged in some way. McIntosh uses the term privilege throughout her article, she talks about the “Daily effects of white privilege” that she experiences throughout her life.

3. "I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilegeas males are taught not to recognize male privilege."

Whites are taught not to see that they are privileged, to see what they have and do as the normal ideal life that anyone would want. The see that having a job and being served first as ideal and that they are not privileged. Males are taught to not see they have a privilege over women. For each dollar a man makes a woman non-hispanic or black will make $0.78 but hispanic black will make less than them but a hispanic will make the least. The two privileges are not that far off from one another.

Questions-Comments-Points to share:

While reading this article I made the connection to the activity we did by Grinner. Grinner talks about how the United States is symbolized by “Whiteness” and “Male-ness” which is also demonstrated throughout McIntosh’s article. I feel as a future educator I should teach my students that everyone is the same and should be treated with the same “privileges” as everyone else. If this was to be taught would it be carried to the generations after and considered the new “norm”?